Affiliates Administration

An Affiliate is an organization that you are connected to through Credivera. It is possible to share Assignments and information about Individuals and their credentials through this hierarchal relationship.

Page Navigation

  1. Within the Admin portal, expand Organization and select Profile from the left side menu.
  2. This will open the Details page for your organization. From this page, you can edit details of your setup including Organization name, Address, website, and Logo among other items by clicking the Edit button.
  3. Click on the Affiliates tab to see a list of organizations you are connected to. You can also invite organizations to create new connections or respond to invites from other organizations.
  4. Within this list, there are 2 possible states for your connections, Customer or Contractor. If your connection is listed as a Customer, you can receive the information shared by them. If they are listed as a Contractor, you can initiate sharing information with them.  

Creating a Connection

The organization that initiates the connection request will be the Parent in the hierarchy. A Contractor organization should not try to initiate the relationship to preserve the flow of information in the proper direction.
  1. From the main menu select Profile, then click on the Affiliates tab. Click Add organization to create a relationship where your organization is the Customer (Parent) in the hierarchy.
  2. In the window that opens you will see a list of organizations that are available for connections. Organizations you already have a connection with will be greyed out. Select the organization you will send an invitation to and click Add. If the organization you wish to connect with is not listed please contact Credivera Support.
  3. Once the invitation has been sent you will see the organization in your affiliates list with a Pending response status.
  4. Clicking on Pending response will provide options to Resend if the invitation expires or Cancel the invitation if it was sent in error.
  5. Once your invitation has been accepted the invited organization will be listed under Affiliates as a Contractor.
  6. If your organization received an invitation, it will be listed under Affiliates with a status showing Requested until you accept it.
  7. Click on the status to see the dropdown. Select the appropriate option to Accept or Reject the invite and then click Update.
  8. There is no limit on the number of organizations you can have a connection with, but each connection can only be in one of two states, Customer or Contractor, at any time.

Assignment Sharing with Affiliates

As the Customer (Parent) organization you can share Assignments with a Contractor (Child) organization which they are then able to interact with. The Contractor (Child) can apply people to that assignment in accordance with any requirements that you as the Customer have or will apply to it.

  1. To share an Assignment with an Affiliate, click on the + under Assignment for that organization.
  2. In the window that opens, select the Assignments you want to make visible to your affiliate and then click Add.
  3. Once the Assignments have been shared, they will be listed next to the organization.
  4. Click on the link to see the Assignments that have been shared. Clicking on the Garbage icon will remove visibility to that Assignment from the affiliate.

Working with Shared Assignments

As the Contractor (Child) organization you can have an assignment shared with you that requires Individuals from your organization to be applied to it. Details and requirements of a shared assignment can not be edited by the Contractor organization. The Customer organization will have limited access to the details of the individuals placed in a shared assignment and will not be able to edit any of those details. Inclusion in these assignments will not appear differently to the included individuals than it would with any other assignment. They will receive notifications for documents and requirements to satisfy in the same way.

  1. To access shared assignments, click on Assignments under the Organization menu.
  2. The shared Assignments will be listed with the Customer organization's name in the table. In this screenshot, People 2.0 is the Customer organization that shared the assignment.
  3. Clicking on any assignment will display all the same tabs seen in any other assignment except the Settings tab because the details of the assignment can not be edited by the Contractor organization in the relationship.
  4. Click on Individuals, then Add individual to assign people from your organization to the Assignment.
  5. Select the people to include then click Add.
  6. The added Individuals will be listed under the assignment. The difference between the Customer and Contractor view of this list is the Garbage icon. It will only be viewable to the Contractor organization.
  7. With Individuals assigned, the summary table and the Requirements tab will now reflect the parameters of that assignment. The assigned Individuals will also receive notifications in their wallets of the items to be actioned.