Documents Administration

Documents can be added and shared based on organization membership, for compliance with company policies, or by inclusion in a specific assignment or role.

Page Navigation

  1. Within the Admin portal, expand Organization and select Documents from the left side menu.
  2. This will open a list of all active Documents that are currently available for use within your organization and details of their usage.
    1. STATUS – denotes whether the document is Active or Inactive.
    2. NAME – the document name as it appears in the system.
    3. ADDED – the date a document was added to the system.
    4. ACKNOWLEDGED – the number of people that have acknowledged that document. Clicking on the underlined number will display a list of those users by name.
    5. MISSING - the number of people that have not yet acknowledged that document. Clicking on the underlined number will display a list of those users by name.
    6. ASSIGNMENTS – the locations the document is currently applied to. 
  3. The toggle in the top left determines which documents you are viewing, and the right-side items allow for searching and downloading the current list view.
    1. Active – Documents that are currently available and/or In Use within the organization.
    2. Inactive – Documents that have been removed from active use but that can be re-activated by an administrator.

Add A Document

  1. From the Documents page click Add document in the top right.
  2. In the window that opens, you will be presented with the options that will apply to your document.
    1. Acknowledgment – Does this document require an acknowledgment of it being received and read?
    2. Organization document – If set to Yes, this will apply the document to all current and future Assignments with its applicable settings.
    3. Assignment – If the above setting is No, then you can select which Assignments to apply this document to.
    4. Document – Browse for or drag and drop your PDF here.
  3. Once all steps have been completed click Add at the bottom of the Window.
  4. The document will now be listed in the Active Documents.

Assign A Document

  1. Under Assignments, you can see where a specific Document has been applied. A single Assignment name or “Multiple” will be listed to denote more than one Assignment where the document is in use already.
  2. To add a Document to an Assignment, click on the + under Assignments for that document.
  3. Within this window, select the Assignments to add the document to. Greyed-out Assignments are locations where the current document already applies. Click Add to complete this step.
  4. Click Multiple under the Assignments column to see a list of all the places a document is in use. Click the Garbage icon to remove it from any of the ones listed.