Requirements Administration

Requirements are conditions applied to an Assignment or an Individual that must be satisfied to maintain compliance with regulations or policies that govern your organization or activities.

Page Navigation

  1. Within the Admin portal, expand Organization and select Requirements from the left side menu.
  2. This will open a page showing each of the singular Requirements that have been created along with the fulfillment status for everyone a specific Requirement has been applied to.
  3. Clicking on the Requirement name will bring up the Details of that requirement.
  4. The Individuals tab will display everyone it has been applied to and the status of their compliance with that request.
  5. The Assignments tab will display the locations or projects this Requirement has been applied to.
  6. From the main Requirements page click on Packages to see a list of the available packages.
  7. Packages that can be used are listed under Active while Inactive packages cannot be applied to Assignments until they are re-activated.

Create a Requirement

  1. Within the Admin portal, expand Organization and select Requirements from the left side menu.
  2. To create a new Requirement, click on Create requirement in the top right of this window.
  3. Requirements are created in three steps.
    1. Step 1 - Requirement details – Provide a meaningful name and description for the requirement being created. The name and description should provide information and context that the assignee can use to understand why the requirement has been applied to them. 
    2. Step 2 (optional) - Pre-approved credentials – a list of credentials that, when submitted against the requirement, are already accepted as meeting that condition by the Organization without a need for review by an administrator. These credentials can be selected via a drop-down menu. 
    3. Step 3 (optional) - Rejected credentials – an organization can pre-select a list of credentials that do not meet the requirement. These credentials can be selected via a drop-down menu. 

NOTE: Any credentials not included in the pre-approved or rejected credentials lists will be presented to an administrator for review when submitted by an individual. You will be prompted to add it to the appropriate list automatically after reviewing the submission.

4.   Once all steps have been completed click Save credential at the bottom of the window. The new Requirement will now be available to be assigned.


Create A Requirements Package

Each individual Requirement to be included in a Package must be created prior to creating the package that will contain them. Package contents can be edited later as well. It is generally good practice to decide on the package contents before starting the creation process.

  1. Within the Admin portal, expand Organization and select Requirements from the left side menu. Then select the Packages tab.
  2. You will see a list of the current packages available to be applied to Assignments or Individuals. Click on Create package in the top right.
  3. Give your package a Name, ideally one that helps to identify what the package contains or how it is to be used, and then click the Continue to step 2
  4. Click the Add requirement button in step 2 to open a selection window.
  5. Select the individual requirements that will make up the package and then click Add.
  6. You will be presented with a list of the requirements included in the package. Click Add requirement again to include more or click Save Package when complete.
  7. The package you created will now be available to be applied to an Assignment or an Individual.

Assign Requirements to Individuals

  1. A Requirement can be applied to an individual directly without that person being a part of an Assignment. Packages of requirements can only be applied through an Assignment. On the Requirements page, click the + beside the name of a Requirement.
  2. A window will open that will allow you to select people to apply the Requirement Anyone who already has it applied to them will be greyed out. Click Assign to complete the process.
  3. The number beside the Requirement name will increase to include the new assignee. The assignee will also get a notification in their wallet dashboard that they have a new requirement to satisfy.